John Oliver

Big Pharma Spent $27 Billion Marketing to Doctors in 2012…Here’s More

“Drug companies are like high school boyfriends. They’re more interested in getting inside you than in being effective once they are there.” This is just one of the hilariously-accurate remarks made by John Oliver, who was a hopeful replacement for Jon Stewart on the Daily Show.
Oliver made his comments on HBOs Last Week Tonight, in a 17-minute long, scathingly honest diatribe about how the pharmaceutical industry bribes doctors to sell us drugs we don’t really need. [1]

Was it just a coincidence that John Oliver dealt with Jason Chaffetz right after a fine segment dealing with mental illness in America?

"I don't know what's worse here, the fact that the Secret Service is so petty that they broke the law to embarrass Jason Chaffetz, or the fact that they're so stupid, they didn't realize, if you want to embarrass Jason Chaffetz, just wait, he will do it for you." Watch our Jason have fun with charts! And later show his, er, gentle side as he breaks down at thought of, um, the death of President Lincoln? (Had he maybe just heard the news?)by KenAnd you thought that with "Sunny John" Boehner we had just about scraped the bottom of the barrel as regards speaker-of-the-House material?

Is that John Oliver cheering as the noose apparently begins to tighten around world soccer supremo Sepp Blatter's neck?

JOHN OLIVER PRESENTS WORLD SOCCERGANGSTER-SUPREMO SEPP BLATTERThe June 2014 FIFA reportThe June 2015 "FIFA II" updateIn the "FIFA II" update, John demonstrated just how far he was prepared to go in support of his urgent plea to FIFA's commercial sponsors: "Please! Make Sepp Blatter go away!

"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" goes toe to toe with the televangelists: Let's welcome "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption"

by KenLast night, in showcasing last week's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver feature report, "Sex Ed," I tried to make it clear that no disrespect was intended to this week's -- a blockbuster taking on the 21st-century version of televangelists, bigger and crasser than ever -- and taking even more audacious advantage of the IRS's nearly complete lack of enforcement when it comes to who and what qualifies as a religious institution.In the segment, we see a training film on "Churches and Religious Organizations" for IRS people, IRS Senior Tax Specialist Virginia Richardson describes U.S.

A Star Is Born: Christopher Hucko -- Republican Candidate #18?

Photo by the Orland Park (IL) Police Dept."Man arrested for vibrator theft offers to show police his penis, before slamming Obama"-- a New York Daily News headline yesterdayby NoahI bet the above headline from the New York Daily News caught your eye. What the hell? you probably said. What's next? And I bet you want to read more, right?

No more "Daily Show with Jon Stewart"? Guess I'll have to get my debate coverage from "The Borowitz Report"

Plus: I advance my latest theory as to why allthese Republicans are "running for president""[Jon] Stewart leaves behind a legacy of having raised the bar for political discourse — to jostle folks as they laugh at political folly, to remind people of the real-world consequences embedded in those punchlines, to demand that, amidst all late-night shucking-and-jiving, people in power should be held accountable for the state of our nation."-- Rolling Stone's Matthew Love, in "How J

Sure to be this summer's hottest ticket: Liberation Day in Pyongyang

Gwangbokjeol (literally "Restoration of Light Day"), also called as the National Liberation Day of Korea, celebrated annually on August 15, is one of the public holidays in South Korea. It commemorates Victory over Japan Day, which liberated Korea from colonial rule.Independent Korean governments were created three years later, on August 15, 1948, when the pro-Moscow Kim Il-sung was made first President of North Korea and pro-U.S. Syngman Rhee was made first President of South Korea.

John Oliver and Stephen Colbert push back against the craziness of right-wingers mired in some other century

Like we pointed out yesterday, of the 34 conservative Democrats who voted with every House Republican against the Affordable Care Act, 31 were subsequently defeated or forced out of politics, many in the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse that decimated that Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

Did John Oliver bring down FIFA's Sepp Blatter? Or was it the heat on smarmy FIFA Sec'y Gen'l Jérôme Valcke? Or maybe heat from other sources?

The June 2014 FIFA reportSunday night's "FIFA II" updateIn Sunday night's "FIFA II" update, John made a heartfelt plea to FIFA's commercial sponsors: "Please! Make Sepp Blatter go away! I will do anything!" (And he demonstrated the point.)by KenOn Sunday night's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver returned to the subject of FIFA, of which he did such a devastating takedown last June on the eve of the World Cup in Brazil. Obviously recent developments called for a further look, and John didn't overlook the now-famous (I hope) $6,000-a-month Cat Apartment in Trump Tower, rented by former U.S.