John Oliver

John Oliver Vs Jefferson Beauregard Sessions-- The Marijuana Chronicles

Sunday night, John Oliver took on the attempts by Trumpist Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to reinvigorate the War on Drugs. The segment (above) is worth watching in its entirety. Oliver, if course, is hilarious-- but Sessions isn't. Recently Sessions took another patently absurd shot at the marijuana industry, this time, though, it was directly aimed at Medical Marijuana, which even Trump acknowledges is a fact of life he doesn't want to make a fuss over. Sessions:

The RNC Isn't Pulling The Plug Yet But They Are Already Stabbing Mr. Trumpanzee In The Back

There's been a steady stream of stories all of last week about how the RNC is "mulling" the idea of if-- or some even claim "when"-- they need to just give up on the self-destructive narcissist dragging down the whole party. Maybe Team Hillary is pushing the narrative. Or maybe the permutations of the large and growing #NeverTrump people are.