John Oliver

Is Mueller Following Up On Kevin McCarthy's Revelation That The Kremlin Pays Rohrabacher? And What About Nunes?

I wonder how staunch conservatives in towns like Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel and Fountain Valley feel about their Representative being referred to as "the pro-Russia congressman." That exactly how the San Francisco Chronicle labeled eccentric-- some would say crackpot

Bannon's Departure Signals A New Season For The Trumpanzee Reality Show

The new season will likely divert viewers from reality with an epic brawl between Bannon/Mercer and their racist nationalists in one corner and Kushner/Cohn and their greed-obsessed kleptocrats in the other. Ratings could be higher than Game of Thrones, which is starting to feel a little long in the tooth with the zombiefication of Viserion Sunday night.

The DNC: Crawling From The Wreckage

Many say Obama's first appointment after being elected was his worst appointment ever. That would be Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff and I couldn't argue against the characterization. But, keep in mind that it was Obama who also appointed Debbie Wasserman Schultz to chair the DNC. Wassermann Schultz had tried-- really hard bribes flying-- for the DCCC chair and Pelosi snubbed her by picking the equally worthless Steve Israel for the job. Wasserman Schultz's self-pitying caterwauling was so loud and unceasing that Obama gave her the DNC job just to shut her up.

Did You Ever Imagine That The Trump Regime WOULDN'T Try To Kill Net Neutrality?

While everyone was obsessing over the Trump Regime's Reverse-Robin-Hood tax proposal and the jolt of electricity the Frankstein monster known as TrumpCare just got, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, moved to kill net neutrality. He said that "high-speed internet service should no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules, as it is now.