John Oliver

We Know Where Fake News Comes From In Russia-- But What About In Trump's America

When Chris Hayes uses the phrase “Trump TV,” don’t you just assume he’s talking about Fox? I always do. But… what the hell is up with Sinclair News-- and why hasn’t anyone even heard of, as John Oliver reminds us, “the most influential media company that you’ve never heard of.” Did you know for example that Sinclair, the biggest broadcaster in America, forces more than 170 local television station anchors to read the same commentary?

Pyramid Schemes, Congress And Deregulation

Even the phrase "multilevel marketing" sounds a lot better than "pyramid scheme," let alone "Ponzi scheme." Even "multilevel marketing scheme" sounds vaguely better than "pyramid scheme." But pyramid schemes are often illegal and, somehow multilevel marketing schemes are usually not. The Federal Trade Commission differentiates between legitimate multi-level marketing (MLM) companies and pyramid schemes claiming that MLM "have a real product to sell" while pyramid schemes don't. "If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan.

2017, A Hell Bound Train, Part 4: A Look At Some Of Trump’s Best People

-by NoahSeñor Trumpanzee assembled quite a team this year. Remember when Trump said he was smart and knew the best people? How could we forget? He said it during the 2016 campaign and he’s been saying it ever since. He even says those who are Nazis and those who march with Nazis are “very fine people.” Ok, to be fair, he didn’t say they were the best. He just said very fine. But that’s all just semantics. It’s the thought that counts.Maybe Señor Trumpanzee’s selection of people he surrounds himself with is not just a matter of who he feels comfortable with, i.e.

Is Small Business Really The Backbone Of Our Economy? And Do Congressmen Have Backbones?

Southern California's best member of Congress, Ted Lieu, understands the problems small businesses face better than most members. "Republicans," he told us this morning, "love to talk a big game when it comes to supporting small businesses, but in reality most of their policies benefit big corporations.