John Oliver

2018 In Review - And Now A Word From The Asylum Escapees At Trump TV. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 7

by NoahAt DWT, we watch FOX "News" so you don't have to, although, if you want to see inside the crazy house... just steel yourself and promise yourself you won't scream or tear out your hair. The above clip is a good example of how far gone the wackos and buffoons holding court are at what Josef Goebbels would regard with orgasmic delight.There have been changes at FOX "News" in recent times but you'd never know it. Creator Roger Ailes is gone. He died in 2017 after leaving in a shitstorm of sexual harassment claims and comparisons to Jabba the Hutt.

2018 In Review: Rudy Giuliani, The Ghoul Of New York The Whole World Is Watching, Part 3

by NoahEver leave a carved Halloween pumpkin out on the front steps to long? They have a funny way of deteriorating. As they rot, dents form as the bacteria and maggots chew away from the inside. They destroy the support fibers of the outer skin and it sags inward. Same thing happens to any vegetable or fruit. Eventually, it passes from being something for a squirrel or rat to randomly nibble on to a nice place for flies to lay their eggs.

Will The U.K. Face Up To The Catastrophe BREXIT Has Become?

I just returned from Istanbul on Sunday evening and I'm happy to share some of the observations I had while I was there-- even beyond the fact that when I first went there in 1969 the only Americans who went there were looking for cheap dugs and that today it's the same thing, except instead of hash they're buying pharmaceuticals that are too expensive back home-- before I forget them all, likely by this evening.

Independent Voters Are Ready To Step Up And Save The Country From Trump

Overwhelmingly, voters who identify as Democrats vote for Democratic Party candidates-- even for candidates for the Republican wing of the Party (Blue Dogs and New Dems)-- and the rapidly shrinking number of voters who identify as Republicans vote for Republicans-- whether mainstream conservatives or neo-fascists and, presumably, Trumpists. So...

Solving The Country's Biggest Problem (Yes TRUMP, But Nothing To Do With Mueller)

On Friday, writing for New York Magazine Andrew Sullivan found yet another way to call Señor Trumpanzee a liar: "making us all live in his delusional reality show." The ugly fascist swine "believes," wrote Sullivan, "what he wants to believe, creates a reality that fits his delusions, and then insists, with extraordinary ene