John Nichols

Not Even Impeaching Trump Would Save The House Republicans From Angry Voters

I've never been a big fan of Nate Silver's or his brand of research. But sometimes-- like this time-- he hits the nail right on the head. His point last week is that conventional wisdom about the solidity of Trump's core support is incorrect and that Trump's base is already looking shaky and starting to shrink.

Did You Ever Imagine That The Trump Regime WOULDN'T Try To Kill Net Neutrality?

While everyone was obsessing over the Trump Regime's Reverse-Robin-Hood tax proposal and the jolt of electricity the Frankstein monster known as TrumpCare just got, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, moved to kill net neutrality. He said that "high-speed internet service should no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules, as it is now.

The Pervasive, Sickening Impact Of Wall Street On Politics

Over the past few days the Republicans have pushed two bills from the Wall Street agenda, Randy Hutgren's H.R.1675, meant to weaken disclosure requirements for companies that offer stock options to employees, and curb oversight and liability on promotional materials that companies use to market certain products that investors rely on, and Blaine Luetkemeyer's H.R.766, meant to

At 68 Patti Smith Still Has The Revolutionary Zeal Of A Twenty Year Old. Do You?

A few days ago, writing for The Nation, John Nichols covered Patti Smith's European concert tour, which marks the 40th anniversary of the release of her groundbreaking debut LP, Horses, by marveling at how the veteran rocker is giving Europe a masterclass in focused protest rock that puts younger artists to shame. Her patter between songs sounds something like a cross between Bernie Sanders and Alexis Tsipras. Go Patti!

Why Would A Right Wing Extremist Like Steve Knight Vote To Give Obama Unlimited Power Through Fast Track Authority?

No one should have expected anything good coming from conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice when she joined the Republicans and other conservative Democrats to try to pass Fast Track authorization. John MacArthur, writing Friday for Harper's, said, "Rice last week reversed her opposition to fast-track the TPP.

Who Gets Fucked When DC Republicrats Decide To Compromise? Not The Koch Brothers, Wall Street Or The Adelsons

Well, the regular working families are the ones who take it in the neck, of course. Republicans grudgingly prepared to not shut down the government by bragging to their extremist fringe that they would still enforce plenty of pain on the poor people their party is perpetually at war with.