John Mica

Another Blue Dog Slipped Into Congress Disguised As A Florida Democrat

Yes, we got rid of Patrick Murphy, but...Although the DCCC listed 11 Democrats on their Front Line list of vulnerable incumbents, heading into Tuesday's election only 3 were thought be be seriously vulnerable: Ami Bera (New Dem-CA), Rick Nolan (MN) and Brad Ashford (Blue Dog-NE). Bera, who is narrowly leading, is one of only two incumbents nationally whose race still hasn't been called.

Options For Would-Be Tea Party Speaker Daniel "Taliban Dan" Webster Staying In Congress Are Closing

Daniel Webster has been in the news lately because he's "running" (not really) for House Speaker as the Freedom Caucus/Tea Party candidate. He isn't considered a serious candidate with an actual chance to ever become Speaker, just a pawn in the game between the extremists and the mainstream conservative Establishment. But ole "Taliban Dan" is probably happy he's in the news as a potential Speaker rather than as someone who's about to lose his congressional seat.

Boehner Makes Another Move Against His Republican Tormentors As Gerrymandered GOP Congressional Maps In Florida And Virginia Face Court-Mandated Redistricting

As we saw last month, Boehner is working, albeit covertly, with the Chamber of Commerce to rid his caucus of "uncooperative" Republicans-- libertarians like Amash and extremists like Cantor-killer Dave Brat. They want to send a message to the members of the Freedom Caucus that their careers are in jeopardy if they don't fall in line behind the GOP Establishment.