John Kerry

Porkins Polcy Review episode 141 Exploitation of trauma and neocon psychology with Yuval Laor

This week I am joined by Yuval Laor of the Open Minds Foundation, and one of my co-hosts for Open Minds On Air. We discuss the neoconservative movement, the exploitation of trauma, and Israel. Yuval and I start off the conversation with the breaking news that Donald Trump has decided to pull the US out the Iran Nuclear Deal. We talk about what this means for America and the prospect of war with Iran. Yuval gives us his perspective of this as an Israeli-American, and how the public within Israel is reacting to the news.

Kerry’s Alleged Talks With Palestinians: Amid Pro-Israeli Stampede by US, A Silent Tug-of-War?

LONDON — The Trump administration’s announcement that it would relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has resulted in an absolute breakdown in ties between Washington and the Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah. According to a recent report, however, the government of President Mahmoud Abbas may be enjoying support from an unlikely quarter: the top diplomat of the previous U.S. administration.

John Kerry tells Palestinian Authority officials that “Trump will not remain in office long”

Former Secretary of State John Kerry met with a top Palestinian officials in London, where the former Obama White House official told those in attendance to “stay strong” because POTUS Trump will not be in office much longer.
Kerry later hinted that he may run for the White House in 2020.
Via Israel National News

Escalating the war: the West’s responsibility for the slaughter in Syria

Escalating the war: the West’s responsibility for the slaughter in Syria
by Ian Sinclair

Morning Star
3 January 2018
Despite the carnage and intense anger created by the US-led wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan, many prominent commentators and politicians have repeatedly pushed for the West to step up its intervention in Syria.