John Kerry

For Syria: A beginning for talks but to what ends?

After you have read the news stories linked in the previous post: Kerry Sees Transitional Syrian Government Without Assad Read this one. A beginning for Syria talksLet's call this wondering, thinking, contemplating via the blog.. my thinking is all italicized New thoughts are in red... Excerpt and additional links below:

Breaking: Kerry Sees Transitional Syrian Government Without Assad

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says a transitional government in Syria would not include president Bashar al-Assad.Kerry said Thursday in Rome, where he was meeting with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, that the goal is a political solution agreed to by the Syrian government and those opposed to Mr.

US/Russia meeting. Israel bombings & FSA goes to US meets Hagel & AIPAC

 With two updates! One for the Canadians...............Israel bombs Syria with depleted uranium bombs, which would be a war crime if it was anyone else..Unless something appears we are looking at an expansion of war.So it begins.....going long read to the end!Hoping everyone noticed that immediately after Israel struck Damascus, aiding the NATO Islamic army of terrorists, the news fell off the proverbial front page?Strike anyone as odd? Israel didn’t gloat, which they usually do.In fact Israel went to lengths to downplay what had happened??

Howard Kurtz’s Belated Comeuppance

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | May 3, 2013

For nearly a quarter century, Howard Kurtz has served as hall monitor for Washington’s conventional wisdom, handing out demerits to independent-minded journalists who don’t abide by the mainstream rules. So, there is some understandable pleasure seeing Kurtz face some accountability in his ouster as bureau chief for Newsweek and The Daily Beast.