John Kerry

Questions on Syria’s Chemical Weapons disarmament

By Dr. Kaveh L. Afrasiabi | Press TV | September 11, 2013

Citing a “potential positive development” in the Russian proposal regarding Syrian chemical weapons stockpile, US President Barack Obama has put a temporary break on the express train of war on Syria and, simultaneously, accelerated the White House push for a congressional authorization for a military strike.

The Rule of Zombies: Why Are Obama & Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War?

On Syria Washington’s Lie Serves Its Undeclared Agenda
What is the real agenda?
Why is the obama Regime so desperate to commit a war crime despite the warnings delivered to the White House Fool two days ago by the most important countries in the world at the G20 Summit?
What powerful interest is pushing the White House Fool to act outside of law, outside the will of the American people, outside the warnings of the world community?

Obama, the US Liar-in-Chief

By Finian Cunningham | Press TV | September 10, 2013

Forget diplomatic protocol: When a government is outrageously pushing the world into a criminal war based on a crock of lies, that government and its representatives forfeit the customary right to diplomatic niceties.
When truth is being twisted with rhetoric and bombast, then it is incumbent to untwist it with simple words.

The West Dethroned

The World is No Longer Willing to Go Along with the West’s Lies & Murderous Ways
“The European race’s last three hundred years of evolutionary progress have all come down to nothing but four words: selfishness, slaughter, shamelessness and corruption.” –Yan Fu

The US Government Stands Revealed to the World as a Collection of War Criminals & Liars

The Criminal Regime Has No Evidence- Only Made Up Fairy Tales
Does the American public have the strength of character to face the fact that the US government stands before the entire world revealed as a collection of war criminals who lie every time that they open their mouth? Will Congress and the American public buy the White House lie that they must support war criminals and liars or “America will lose face”?