John Kerry

US and Israel’s Insulting Solution to Restore Calm in Palestine

By Stephen Lendman | The Peoples Voice | November 1st, 2015 During his Senate years, no congressional member was more one-sidedly pro-Israeli than John Kerry. It shows in his current capacity, blaming Palestinian victims for Netanyahu’s high crimes. It’s hard believing his latest scheme, concocted in cahoots with Israeli officials, their absurd way to restore […]

Moscow demands US-led coalition in Syria ‘prove or deny’ allegations Russia is ‘bombing civilians’

RT | October 27, 2015 The Russian Ministry of Defense has summoned military attaches of NATO countries and Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, asking the officials to clarify their countries’ allegations that Russian airstrikes in Syria have hit civilian targets. “Today we invited military attaches from the US, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Turkey […]

‘US blindly supports Israeli interests in Middle East’

US to reduce aid to the Palestinian Authority Press TV – October 24, 2015 The United States is the “proxy” for Israeli interests in the Middle East and “blindly supports” the regime’s position in the region, says an American political scientist. In a phone interview with Press TV, Wilmer Leon pointed to US Secretary of […]

Devolution of Power in Syria Will Not Be Attained by Assad’s Ouster

Politics is the art of compromise. Successful politicians rarely give ultimatums because doing so would limit their ability to navigate complex issues. In 2012, President Obama misread the complexity of the crisis in Syria. He drew a “red line” for President Assad: the use of chemical weapons would have “enormous consequences” and would “change [his] calculus” on American military intervention in Syria’s civil war. A year later, someone used weaponized chemicals, killing hundreds of civilians.

US Committed to Playing Active Role in Transnistria Dispute Negotiations

Sputnik — 26.08.2015 Washington is committed to be fully engaged in the talks aimed at settling the Transnistria conflict, US Secretary of State John Kerry stated in a statement on Wednesday. “You may be sure that America will remain unwavering in its support for Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and will continue to play an […]

The Staggering Hypocrisy of Republicans

Great Fuzzy Moments in Fuzzy Reagan HistoryNovember 13, 1986: Saint Ronnie testifies he din't know nuttin' 'bout no money from arms sales to Iran being used to fund guerrillas in Nicaragua. Well, it always could be tricky figuring out what His Saintliness knew and didn't NoahSure, hypocrisy often comes with being a politician of any stripe. It comes from choosing a lifestyle where pandering knows no bounds.