John Kerry

Syria: Is America Really Interested in Ending The Conflict?

21st Century Wire says…
The great debate continues.
Is the US really interested in ending the conflict in Syria?
In the following episode of CrossTalk, a panel debates this very question and asks why the US has been supporting ‘rebel’ forces and simultaneously saying that it wants Assad to go.
If carried to fruition, all this would do is create a power vacuum that will only become filled with conflict.

An American Original: John Kerry – From His Remarkable Recent Commencement Address At Northwestern University To The Remarkable Career That Made It Possible

By John Chuckman | Aletho News | May 9, 2016 John Kerry is, besides many other unpleasant things, a rather ridiculous man, and he has managed to prove that proposition time and time again. He used his recent commencement address at Northwestern University to attack Donald Trump. It is difficult to understand why young graduates […]

What Kerry’s ‘Absolute Lines’ in Syria Really Mean

Sputnik | April 27, 2016 US Secretary of State John Kerry wants to draw “absolute” lines across Syria to create the Western “areas of influence” there. Such an approach resembles nothing so much as neo-colonialism, experts say. The idea to create spheres of influence in Syria voiced recently by US Secretary of State John Kerry clearly indicates that Washington continues […]

From a Stateless Palestinian Refugee to Signers of the “Leahy letter” in the US Congress

The following letters are from 22-year-old Amena Ashkar and 86-year-old Mariam Fathalla, stateless Palestinians from the refugee camps in Lebanon.  They are addressed to the eleven Congressional signers of the “Leahy letter”, asking secretary of State John Kerry to report on Israeli and Egyptian violations of human rights.  Amena and Mariam personally took the letters on April 26, 2016, to members of the US Congress and their staffers.  In at least one case, this act brought tears to the eyes of a staffer.