John Kasich

A Message For Our Republican Amigos-- Christie? Trumpf? There's A Better Solution To Your Anguish

Artist Darkblack foresees a Jersey Bounce in New HampshireThe funnest news Saturday night was the announcement that New Hampshire's Union Leader has endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie-- generally written off as an also-ran in the mode of a Pete du Pont, Steve Forbes, Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrich.

Kasich And Trump-- The Gloves Come Off

According to the new Morning Consult polling data released yesterday on the popularity of the 50 states' governors, Ohio Republican John Kasich is doing pretty well. Back in Ohio, he has a 59% approval rating and just a 29% disapproval rating. His popularity back home, though, isn't translating in the Republican presidential primary, where he is barely a factor.

GOP Politicial Elites From The Greed And Selfishness Wing Are Distraught They're Being Beaten By... These People

I'm almost tempted to feel sorry for the Establishment wing of the Republican Party-- what I used to always refer to as the Greed and Selfishness wing-- and the cruel comeuppance they're getting from the Hatred and Bigotry wing. They should never have made the deal with the devil to bring that crap into their party. After Nixon's Southern Strategy there really was no other possible outcome.

Confidential to the Ohio Denali-deniers: If you really can't grasp the name change, bear in mind that it's none of your frigging business

With (Lord help us) Trump update -- see belowMount Denali (20,237 feet)"President McKinley never visited, nor did he have any significant historical connection to, the mountain or to Alaska."-- Interior Secretary Sally Jewell"I'd like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect, and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska."-- Sen.