John Kasich

Kasich confronts ignorant rabbis and Talmud students

Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich confronts ignorant rabbis and Talmud students in New YorkBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgThis surprising scene is refreshing to watch, after observing many politicians cringing and toadying in the presence of the self-Chosenites. Kasich has the intelligence and knowledge to get the job done, and obviously has little respect for the enormous, artificially inflated prestige of the rabbinic world.  But does he have the courage to maintain it and follow-through?

Trump On The Warpath... Against The World

Two days ago Trump claimed "people from Bernie's crowd"-- meaning what? people with college degrees-- were protesting at his rallies. Within 24 hours the fascist bully was urging his thuggish fans to attack Bernie rallies.He doesn't have it dispatch his racist followers to rivals like Kasich and Rubio because it's now apparent to everyone that he knows exactly how easy it is to turn these GOP pipsqueaks' campaigns into smoldering ashes.

Will Republican Voters Grow Up And Take Another Look At Kasich?

John Kasich is really the only Republican presidential hopeful who has taken on Trumpf. There isn't much he can do against the billionaire bully but at least he's been making an effort. The ad above is his latest attempt to point out how jaw-droppingly unfit Trumpf is for the presidency. There's another one at the bottom of the post.