John Griffin

Covida Commedia

John Griffin The following represents over two years of careful research and close logical reasoning, brought to fruition in one middle-of-the-night conversation when, sleepless through worry over the future of civilization – tea and ginger biscuits to hand – Olivia and I turned to the only subject that never quite goes away: Covid. “It’s got …

Covid Odyssey

John Griffin Who else senses the world shrinking around them? Was it only a year ago we could twirl a multi-hued globe and contemplate a trip to one of those inviting islets of colour? Now, such goals have become uncertain, hazardous, forbidden even. We are confined to our country, our state, our town, a backyard. …

The Great Reset

John Griffin ASSESSMENT REPORT #5 (Final): GALACTIC INNER PERIPHERY ARCHIVE Excellency, As Sol transits the Dark zone, we expect a further deterioration in the expression of consciousness of some of the planetary beings. Those on Sphere 3 — a superlative creation utilizing all the material elements in intricate harmonic levels (see Appendix 1: Earth) — …

Covid Seen Afar

John Griffin From the vantage point of a remote Portuguese hill village, life in faraway cities seems either quirky or crazed. The Celtic inhabitants—my neighbours—have managed to weather (or not noticed) the coming of the Phoenicians, the Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. Self-sufficient farmers, their days are circumscribed by their small plots of land and …