John Fleming

We're Stuck With Gay-Obsessed Congressional Garbage Like John Fleming (R-LA) Because Of Steve Israel

John Fleming's wig is REALLY anti-gayJohn Fleming represents the most backward district of Louisiana, CD-04, way up in the northwest where Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana meet. His two congressional neighbors are Texas psychopaths Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman, an OK City bombing suspect. It's a large rural, desolate area with just one city, Shreveport-- and that's where Fleming does worst electorally. Not that any Democrat is going to win there any time soon.

In Louisiana they know conscience when they see it, and LA's John Fleming thinks it's a great weapon for fighting sanity in our military planning

Right-wing pols who have no conscience in real life like to play-act having one when they pretend to be KenWhat do you do when you look in the mirror and see staring back at you a toxic pool of sludge beyond any possibility of human worth? One solution is to become a jackbooted Christian warrior for ignorance and savagery.Take Rep. John Fleming (R-LA).