John Cale

How Soon Before Bolton Gets His Unconstitutional War Against Iran? Will Pelosi Put Impeachment On The Table?

Coup d'état by Nancy OhanianRepublican senators are demanding to know what's going on... before they uniformly rubber-stamp Trump or Bolton ginning up an unconstitutional war against Iran. To be fair, Rand Paul might vote against it, while a fake Democrat or two-- Sinema and/or Manchin-- votes for it. If McTurtle even allows a vote.

Do You Want To Help Put A NeoCon Administration Back Running The White House?

Hillary Clinton's mindset, borne out by her record, is extremely dangerous to world peace. Democratic voters should understand who she really is-- aside from being a woman whose turn it is and aside from spurious and absurdist claims worthy of a House of Cards episode that she's dedicated her life to helping children-- before they help set up another ugly lesser-of-two-evils election between her and Trump.