John Brennan

Steele cuts a deal with DOJ. Brennan in big trouble (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how discredited Trump dossier author and ex-British Spy, Christopher Steele, has decided to cut a deal with the DOJ Inspector General.
Reports note that Steele is deeply worried about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse investigation being carried out by the Justice Department inspector general. Expect the British spy to do whatever needs to be done to save his hide, even if that means throwing former CIA director John Brennan and former FBI head James Comey under the bus.

Deep State and Mainstream Media meltdown over Trump’s order to ‘declassify everything’ (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss US President Trump’s decision to declassify Deep State documents including the “bucket 5” docs in the next seven to eight days.
Trump issued orders to the FBI and CIA to “fully cooperate” with Attorney General William Barr, granting the DOJ “full and complete authority to declassify” the documents that made up the entire Russiagate hoax.
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UK intelligence laundered Steele Dossier, delivered it to James Comey (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how UK intelligence services were used to launder the Steele Dossier, and deliver it back to the US with their stamp of approval, paving the way for Buzzfeed to leak the document, and for then FBI Director James Comey to use the dossier to blackmail Trump in the Oval Office.
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The untold truth about Obama’s former CIA director, John Brennan

I decided to update this article with this epilogue that summarises events since its first publication, but by not writing more. By simply adding links showing Brennan speaking in March just before Meuller’s Report was released, and excerpts of other interviews and commentaries.
In this way, reader’s can judge for themselves Brennan’s essentially undoubtable despicable character which shines through by watching and reading the below 8 links up to 1st April 2019. There are many more, but in consideration of space, I’ve selected these links.

Brennan et Clapper ne devraient pas échapper aux poursuites judiciaires. Par John Kiriakou

Source : John Kiriakou , Consortium News, 11-11-2018
Le 11 novembre 2018
Des documents récemment déclassifiés montrent que l’ancien directeur de la CIA et l’ancien directeur du renseignement national ont approuvé l’espionnage illégal du Congrès et ont ensuite classifié leur crime. Ils doivent être punis, écrit John Kiriakou.

Peak stupidity hits MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Pipe bombs “could be some Russian operation” (Video)

Who better to push out the dumbest of ‘Russia did it’ narratives than NBC’s Meet the Press Chuck Todd.
It took a whole 24 hours to finally get someone willing enough to look like a fool on national television, and say Russia may be behind the pipe bombs being sent out to anti-Trump globalist politicians, actors and intelligence Deep State shills.
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