John Barrow

What Does It Mean To Be A Blue Dog In America Today?

When John Barrow first ran for Congress in 2004, friends of mine in Athens persuaded me that he had been a liberal county commissioner and had a chance to replace freshman GOP extremist Max Burns in Congress. I wrote a maxed-out check. It didn't take long before I realized I'd made an error. Towards the end of the campaign Barrow revealed what a slimy worm he is. He called me to tell me that although he personally had nothing against gay people, he had to campaign as though he did. I didn't think to ask for my money back.

The Blue Dogs Are Mining The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party For The Worst Candidates They Can Find-- They Just Found 3 Today

Here we go again-- because losing once is never enough for a discredited strategyThe demise of the furthest right faction of Republican wing of the Democrat Party, the anti-Choice, gay-hating, gun-loving, Austerity champions know as the Blue Dogs, has been widely exaggerated.

Democrats Use The NRA in Their Campaign Ads

Yesterday I heard some "brilliant" Beltway pundit on MSNBC babbling incoherently that there won't be any progress on gun control unless pro-gun control forces can beat an NRA shill at the polls. Being from the Beltway, one wouldn't expect her to know anything about America... and a states like California and Illinois are so, so far away. But last year-- that's soooooo long ago too-- NRA whore Joe Baca was defeated on exactly one issue: gun control.

Keystone XL Pipeline Gets It's Big House Vote Tomorrow

John Barrow (GA), one of the shadiest and most cowardly fake-Dems in the House, is a co-chair of the reactionary Blue Dogs and a member of the corrupt, corportaely-owned New Dems. In 2012 the top 38 recipients of legalistic bribes from Big Oil & Gas were all Republicans. The 39th biggest bribe taker was John Barrow, who got $106,900.