Joe Scarborough

Into 2016 with US Mass Media

New Years Eve 2016
I stayed up about two hours past my usual bedtime to watch the New Years Eve celebration in Times Square.
For one reason only.
To see happy people.
A year like 2015 can do that to you.
The sight of many thousands of young people standing in the cold for hours, hugging and kissing, screaming and laughing, was very precious.
Also a bit unnerving. What’s wrong with them? Don’t they know what kind of world they’re living in? Don’t they know that their celebration is a prime target for terrorists?

Who Was The Biggest Liar In The CNBC Republican Debate?

The above rant-- about Marco Rubio lying his ass off-- by conservative former Congressman Joe Scarborough (R-FL) is the sort of treatment normally reserved for Hillary Clinton. But, yes, Rubio flat-out lied in front of 14 million people during the Boulder debate. What Scarborough was referring to was this exchange between moderator Becky Quick and young Marco:

Bao Nguyen: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Is Despicable And Divisive

With Loretta Sanchez running for the U.S. Senate, Orange County's 46th Congressional District is be an open seat in 2016. It's a solidly blue district (D+9), and Obama won it with 59% in 2008 and with 61% in 2012. The district includes Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange, and the voters are overwhelmingly Hispanic-American and Asian-American.

New Jersey: "A System Where Back Room Deals, Fueled By Greed And Self Interest, Are Just The Order Of Business"

Symbols of New Jersey's transpartisan and all-pervasive corruption: Norcross (D) and Christie (R)One of my personal favorite candidates last year was Barbara Buono. It wasn't just because of her sparkling personality and her warmth and her courage, it was also for her forward-thinking ideas and her amazing platform.