Joe Manchin

In West Virginia There's A Democrat So Far To The Right That Not Even Daily Kos Would Endorse Him

Charlotte Pritt, the real Democrat in the West Virginia gubernatorial raceLast May, West Virginia was Bernie territory. The Democratic primary-- which drew about 40,000 more voters than the Republican primary-- saw Bernie sweep every single county in the state. Statewide it was Bernie 123,860 (51.4%) to Hillary 86,354 (35.8%). Unfortunately for Hillary, many Bernie voters have told pollsters that they would vote for Trump rather than her.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin’s Daughter-- the Next Martin Shkreli

-by Dr. Lee RogersAnaphylaxis is a deadly reaction to an allergy. After exposure to an allergen, a person breaks out in hives, lips swell, has difficulty breathing, and wheezes, which can eventually lead to shock and death. It has happened to as many as 1 in 50 Americans. Yet, it is one of the simplest emergencies to treat.

The NRA And The Blue Dogs... It's Complicated

Last December I wrote that Ben Ray Luján, Pelosi's pick to head the DCCC-- the guy who would be in charge of recruiting, training and electing House Democrats-- was still one of the conservative Democrats on the payroll of the gun lobbyists. As recently as 2005 there were dozens of House Democrats who routinely sided with the NRA and who solicited NRA contributions, mostly Blue Dogs and New Dems.

Dianne Feinstein And Joe Manchin Will Teach Bernie How To Be A Democrat

Just before Harvey Milk was assassinated by a right-wing freak at the end of November, 1978 I had been spending a lot of time with him at his camera store, next door to my business partner's record store, Aquarius, on Castro Street. Harvey didn't have enough foul stuff to say about a fellow Supervisor Dianne Feinstein who was, along with the murderer, Dan White, the persona who represented the Republican interests on the Board. Harvey told me many times why he could never trust her. And she was the greatest beneficiary of the assassinations that November.