
Harley Davidson to move production overseas in response to tariffs

US President Donald Trump campaigned on the idea of repatriating American manufacturing in order to create more jobs that pay livable wages, like in the good ol’ days when America was ‘great’ and prosperity was experienced by the bulk of the population.
So Trump has embarked on a trade war with America’s trading partners to convince the manufacturers to bring production back home and America’s trade allies to provide more equitable trade terms to America.

Is China to Blame for the Loss of 6-Million American Jobs?

Academics now are saying that, from 1999 to 2010, six-million manufacturing jobs, one-third of all US manufacturing employment, were lost to China and had nothing to do with robots or automation. Blue-collar workers instinctively knew that, and it was one of the reasons they supported Trump who openly said so. According to the academics, the introduction of China into the global trading system is the root cause of the job losses.