Joan Walsh

Florida Democratic Party-- Exposed!

State Senate candidate-- and passionate environmental leader-- Katherine Norman will change Tallahassee in ways that will be a transformational joy for the entire state of Florida  Congratulations are due Joan Walsh for her powerful and cogent exposé of the crooked, worthless Florida Democratic Party in the new issue of The Nation: Do Florida Democrats Want t

Is The Anti-Trump/Anti-Red Wave Going To Help Democrats At The State Legislative Level?

My guess is yes-- this November we're going to see a lot of the seats that were lost while Debbie Wasserman Schultz incompetently ran the DNC picked back up by Democrats again. And, as Joan Walsh explained this week for The Nation that process is already underway. During the Wasserman Schultz years Democrats lost 942 legislative seats.

Who Wants A Damn Compulsive Liar As President? Or A Presidential Campaign On Who's The Bigger Liar?

Trump is the biggest liar to ever occupy the White House-- by far. But if Biden ever gets there-- God forbid-- he'd be the second biggest liar to ever occupy the White House. The graphic above represents Trump's public, checked lies. I count True and Mostly True as True and everything else as lies. Half True means half false. And the one below represents Biden's record. Yes, Trump lies more than Biden...

Don't Count On Any Republicans To Help Save The Country From Trump Until After There's Rioting In The Streets

Maverick-- or craven partisan hack?Whichever NY Times editor who gave Jennifer Steinhauser's Sunday piece the headline, GOP Senators, Pulling Away From Trump, Have 'A Lot Less Fear Of Him', may have been having a bout of wishful thinking. Or maybe those commas were an excuse to confuse readers. Nah, The Times would never do that.

Trump Supporters Want A Daddy Even More Than A President

Truman Capote, from his unfinished book Answered Prayers: "In fact, I was a kind of Hershey Bar whore-- there wasn't much I wouldn't do for a nickel's worth of chocolate."Yesterday, the NYTimes fleshed out the conventional wisdom about Trump being a racist and a latter-day Know-Nothing. They pointed out, as an example, that when he wanted to prevent a rival casino from getting into business 15 years ago, he ran ugly ads that said, "The St.