University Administration Trying to Precipitate Crisis: JNUTA

We are reproducing a statement issued by JNUTA on 19 February 2017, on the situation in the university and the administration’s attempts to create a crisis where there is none. The Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers Association is deeply distressed at the continuing impasse in the University. Pursuant to its appeal on 13 February to the Vice-Chancellor … Continue reading University Administration Trying to Precipitate Crisis: JNUTA

Do not let a university turn into a ‘shakha’ of a poisoned tree

Have the JNU students and faculty seriously considered taking legal action against the current Vice Chancellor? From every report that I have seen, all his actions in the recently concluded farcical Academic Council (AC) meeting seem to me to be instances of prima facie procedural violation. (Or am I incorrect in assuming this?) From what […]

JNU VC sabotages democratic functioning of Academic Council to push through anti-social justice policies

First, here is the statement issued by 20 faculty members of the Academic Council today, about half the members present at the adjourned 142nd AC Meeting. PRESS RELEASE BY MEMBERS OF THE JNU ACADEMIC COUNCIL We, faculty members of the JNU Academic Council, are shocked and dismayed at the manner in which the Vice Chancellor […]