Jimmy Dore

“US helping spread Wahhabism all over the Middle East.” Jimmy Dore destroys Sean Spicer (Video)

“US set the whole Middle East on fire…but someone else is a d**k.” Jimmy Dore calls it straight on this one.
Sean Spicer claims Hitler did not use chemical weapons (gas chambers??).
The Trump attack on Assad is making the entire White House look more stupid with each passing day.
Jimmy Dore takes Spicer to task for his ridiculous comments, and the White House’s dangerous run up to war with Syria and Russia.

Who Thinks The DCCC Needs To Recruit More Republican-Lite Candidates To Win In 2018?

Brand New Congress put out that graphic just above, presumably as a reminder to House Democrats that Democratic voters very much favor H.R. 676, John Conyer's bill to make Medicare available to all Americans. Paul Ryan and his leadership team have it buried in the Subcommittee on Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs but there were 51 original co-sponsors and since then over two dozen more have signed on.

“The mainstream news media is full of sh**” when it comes to Trump/Russia story – Jimmy Dore

It does not take much brainpower to understand that the Trump/Russia story is a complete fairytale dreamt up by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the military industrial complex masters.
The great part about the ridiculous lack of logic employed by the liberal left, to try and make Trump appear to be a Kremlin stooge, is that you end up having progressive analysts/comedians like Jimmy Dore come out blasting “liberal left” Democrats and mainstream media pundits for their complete stupidity.

NEW STUDY exposes exactly why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 US elections

No it was not the Russians. It was not James Comey, or the Green party, or fake news, or the “depolorables.” And it was not Wikileaks that cost Hillary Clinton the election.
HRC was the worst candidate we have seen this century, running for just about any public office in all the land.
Her campaign was staffed with snowflake, liberal idiots, who blew through billions of dollars discussing identity politics and zero policy ideas…and now a A Wesleyan University study proves this point out.

Democrat party favorability falls to 37.5% as obsession with Russia continues to turn away voters

The Democrat party remains dazed and confused, after Donald Trump’s shock win over Hillary Clinton.
Instead of re-evaluating their election loss, and reshaping their party platform, the Democrat party decided to do away with policy, and become the party obsessed with all things Russia, and everything anti-Trump.
At a recent town hall in San Diego, a Democrat party Congressmen is confronted with this straightforward question from an audience member…“What Do You Stand For?”
The Congressman has no answer!

This CNN host stumbles to explain what exactly Jeff Sessions did wrong [Video]

Can anyone explain what exactly Jeff Sessions did that warrants the witch hunt now underway in the mainstream media (under the orders of the Democrat party)?
This CNN host certainly cannot.
The script being played out is once again all about Russia, and its non-existent US election “hacking”.
Russia is destroying the Democrat party and the entire liberal left, without having to raise a single finger. It’s fun watching an entire US political party and its corrupt ideology eat itself up from within.
Jimmy Dore explains…

WMD, Iraq invasion, war criminal George W. Bush blasts Trump for his “muslim ban” [Video]

The Democrat party has sunk so low that they are now parading around George W. Bush as the face of peace, compassion, and unity.
Former POTUS Bush is calling for America to respect Islam, and be inclusive of muslim immigrants and refugees…which is a fine and worthy cause except for one tiny problem. George W. Bush tore the Middle East apart with his fabricated and illegal invasion of Iraq, slaughtering (by some estimates) over 1.5 million muslim men, women and children.

Why were Trump supporters holding Russian flags at CPAC event?

The liberal left got all fired up in a tizzy at the vision of audience members at the CPAC holding up what appeared to be Russian flags.
This tweet from a triggered Peter Hamby, got 28K retweets and 35K likes.

Crowd at CPAC waving these little pro-Trump flags that look exactly like the Russian flag. Staffers quickly come around to confiscate them. pic.twitter.com/YhPpkwFCNc
— Peter Hamby (@PeterHamby) February 24, 2017

Dennis Kucinich warns America to “Wake Up!” The deep state is pushing for war with Russia

Jimmy Dore comments on the Michael Flynn, Russia phone call “scandal”, for which former U.S. Rep. and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, defends Donald Trump on Fox News’ “Mornings with Maria”.
Kucinich warns America to “Wake Up!”

Here is some insight of the Kucinich interview (courtesy Mish Talk)…

‘How come people are not upset we [USA] have been bombing the f**k out of Muslims under Obama’ – Jimmy Dore

For Jimmy Dore, it was the Barack Obama Administration that laid the groundwork for the “Muslim Ban” by Donald Trump…which for the record was no “ban” but a temporary moratorium on migrants entering the United States. Steven Crowder debunks the “muslim ban” myth effectively here.
The main take away from this video is seen in the following twitter exchange between Jimmy Dore and Michael Moore.