Jimmy Dore

Who is more corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? (Video)

While everyone on the liberal left and mainstream media is outraged at President Trump’s “corruption” and “collusion” narrative, they forget how corrupt Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were when they held government office.
Jimmy Dore notes that, “Hillary Clinton is corrupt to the hilt”…”Barack Obama is corrupt to the hilt.”
Dylan Ratigan, who exposes how corrupt Clinton and Obama were, used to work at MSNBC…he does not work there anymore. We wonder why?

What do you think?

Million dollar question no one asks: How exactly did Trump “collude” with Russia?

Jimmy Dore asks the question that should be on every logical person’s mind, when it comes to the fake news “Russian – Trump” collusion witch-hunt.
What does it mean when the press and Democrat party continually says Trump “colluded” with Russia?
Did Trump get money from Russia to say he wanted good relations with the Kremlin?
Did Trump give Russia John Podesta’s email password?
Did Trump hire hackers to leak DNC emails?
Did Trump invest in RT or Sputnik? Is Trump behind Wikileaks, and is Russia also behind Wikileaks?

Democrats busted screaming “Fire James Comey” only to now call him a martyr (Video)

The hypocrisy of the Democrats simply cannot be ignored.
Jimmy Dore highlights a never ending stream of tweets comparing what Democrat lawmakers and mainstream media pundits said 4-5 months ago about James Comey, and their about face, “have it both ways”, narrative about the FBI Director now that Trump did the right thing and canned him.
The liberal left hypocrisy is too easy to point out.

“The butcher of Libya” is now part of the resistance (Video)

After “taking full responsibility” for her election loss, while simultaneously blaming Russia and James Comey for that election loss…Hillary Clinton proudly announced that she is now an “activist” against the establishment.
“The butcher of Libya”, who is the personification of the establishment, is now a part of the resistance.
Jimmy Dore correctly points out that Hillary Clinton is the very resistance that the resistance is resisting.

President Trump is now bombing in Somalia. Can you guess why?

BP is interested in Somalia’s vast oil deposits off the Somalia coast in the Indian Ocean.
The United States notes that it is ramping military activity in the poor African nation because of the need to fight Al Qaeda – ISIS “affiliated” Al Shabaab.
Fund ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria to remove Assad and get a Saudi/Qatari pipeline through the Middle East state.
Bomb Al Qaeda – ISIS “affiliated” Al Shabaab in Somalia to lay claim to large oil reserves.

“Warmongering jack off” Howard Dean rails against Tulsi Gabbard for wanting peace in Syria (Video)

The liberal left attack on Tulsi Gabbard is ramping up. Her crime…wanting a proper investigation of the Idlib province chemical weapons attack before launching missiles on a sovereign nation, and possibly starting WW3.
Democrats are not happy with Gabbard’s thoughtful and logical stance, and want her removed from Congress.