Jimmy Dore

The brutality of the Korean War made General MacArthur “vomit” (Video)

It is often called the forgotten war…
Having just been fired as commander of allied forces in Korea, a defiant Douglas MacArthur went before the US Congress and spoke of human suffering so horrifying that it caused the US General to vomit.
The general told members of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, “I have never seen such devastation.”
When MacArthur spoke those words in May 1951, the Korean War was less than a year old.
Casualties, he estimated, were already surpassing 1 million.

Jimmy Dore further exposes the Deep State-Media Russiagate lie (Video)

Following yesterday’s The Nation’s fact based, scientific debunking of the entire Russiagate lie, Jimmy Dore took to his very popular YouTube channel to highlight the findings in the article and further drive home the conclusive evidence that shows no DNC hack ever occurred…it was a leak that has been covered up by the DNC, the US Congress, the Deep State and the entire mainstream media.

Jimmy Dore blasts corrupt US Congress sanctions against Russia (Video)

Jimmy Dore blasts the ridiculous sanctions imposed by a corrupt US Congress.
Dore correctly notes that the sanctions are despised globally, especially in Europe where critical energy projects will now be under jeopardy.
The sanctions are loved by Democrats and Republicans, proving that their is no difference between the two parties…and when it comes to Russia, both parties are completely aligned in their regressive cold war thinking.

Jimmy Dore exposes NATO’s “dark-skinned” ethnic cleansing campaign in Libya (Video)

CNN recently posted a propaganda fluff video that tries to make sense of the Libyan disaster.
CNN conveniently omits the NATO, US, Hillary Clinton sponsored bombing of Libya, the murder of Gaddafi and the western “coalitions” support of Al Qaeda – ISIS insurgents.
For CNN history starts somewhere in the middle without any context or explanation as to how Libya was plunged into immeasurable chaos and disorder, with no explanation why Libya was destroyed (hint: oil and euro/dollar protectionism).

Jimmy Dore crushes fake news “17 Intelligence Agencies” Russian hacking lie (Video)

Last week The Duran reported that the New York Times was finally forced to admit that the “17 US intelligence agencies” narrative is completely made up fake news.
The “17 Intelligence Agencies” Russian hacking narrative was the core foundation for which the entire Trump-Russia collusion/cooperation/connection was built upon.

MSNBC shock at Dylan Ratigan stating, “Saudi Arabia is funding terrorists!” (Video)

Jimmy Dore uses an archived MSNBC video with host Dylan Jason Ratigan, telling the panel that “Saudi Arabia is funding terrorists” and the United States funds Saudi Arabia, to confirm recent evidence at mainstream media corruption and propensity for reporting fake news, as their patrons (like Saudi Arabia) order them to do.
You can hear laughter ensue from the panel after Ratigan makes the statement about Saudi Arabia.
Dylan Ratigan was the former host of MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show

Jimmy Dore videos expose “Russian hacker” lie and how MSNBC is trying to walk back its propaganda

The ‘Russian hacker’, ‘Russian election meddling’, ‘Trump-Putin collusion’, Hillary Clinton concocted lie to explain away her pathetic election loss to Trump, is now fully exposed to be a complete and utter bullshit waste of time…And now that Georgia was lost to the Republicans, after Democrats poured millions into the Ossoff campaign, some sense seems to have been injected into a Democrat party that for the last year based it’s entire platform on hating Trump and propagating Hillary’s Russiagate fairytale.

US President Trump pushed Montenegro Prime Minister, but Bill Clinton bombed Montenegro (Video

Bill Clinton killed people for money.
George Bush killed people for money.
Barack Obama killed people for money.
Hillary Clinton killed people for money.
The western mainstream media championed the illegal bombings spearheaded by the above US Presidents.
Donald Trump pushed the Prime Minster of Montenegro during a NATO meeting, and the western mainstream media is disgusted and outraged.