Jimmy Dore

Proof that the FBI’s indictment of Flynn was a set up, a trap to destroy Trump

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Jimmy Dore exposes the fact that “Dishonest” Donna Brazile knew the DNC was rigged and did nothing (Video)

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US State Department slips up and admits that “moderate” rebels in Syria use chemical weapons (Video)

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Jimmy Dore explains how the FBI Implicates Obama and Clinton in Russia bribery plot (Video)

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Did you know the Taliban tried to surrender to the United States only to be rebuffed?

Here is a fact you will rarely hear in all the reports about America’s invasion and 16 year occupation of Afghanistan: The Taliban has surrendered multiple times, but the United States has rebuffed them.
The Intercept’s Ryan Grim, reported on the Taliban’s numerous attempts to surrender to the United States, and how the US leadership consistently turned down the Taliban’s overtures in favor of more war and occupation.
Jimmy Dore explains…

Core Trump supporters voice their outrage at Afghanistan surge (Video)

With Trump’s announcement that more troops would pour into Afghanistan, instead of puling out of the 16 year war (a campaign promise that even POTUS Trump admitted he had to renege on), came much displeasure from Trump’s conservative, libertarian base.
The disappointment emanating from core Trump supporters was expressed on twitter…and progressive commentator, Jimmy Dore (who was actually aligned with Trump’s non-interventionist campaign stance), highlights the foreign policy divide, and the dangerous signal, that Trump’s presidency is now firmly in the hands of military generals.

Rachel Maddow is on board with Trump ‘mineral extraction’ plan in Afghanistan (Video)

During his Afghanistan “new strategy speech, President Trump bluntly said what no other US president has ever dared to say…that America will plunder Afghanistan to offset the cost of the US invasion of Afghanistan.
Aside from the always lucrative heroin industry in Afghanistan, many minerals are awaiting US extraction and export.
Specifically Trump noted…

North Korea learned its lesson from Gaddafi’s decision to disarm Libya (Video)

The US got Libya to disarm…then the US invaded and destroyed Libya.
North Korea (and the world) was watching and learned a lesson from Libya.
George W. Bush U.S. pressure on North Korea and Iran and the war in Iraq “have sent an unmistakable message to regimes that seek or possess weapons of mass destruction: Those weapons do not bring influence or prestige. They bring isolation and otherwise unwelcome consequences.