Jimmy Dore

Jill Stein demolishes clueless MSNBC reporter (Video)

Jill Stein completely smacks down this MSNBC host over the stupid Mueller Russian bot indictment.
Ron Placone‏ tweeted…

In @DrJillStein ‘s interview, MSNBC admits that they failed miserably with their election coverage giving excessive amounts of time to Trump for the sake of ratings but that it’s OK for them because they’re not Russian. This will not be a headline anywhere tomorrow morning.

Jimmy Dore DESTROYS the stupidity of Mueller’s Russian bot indictment (Video)

Jimmy Dore, “They [mainstream media] are all out of their mind.”
Dore highlights that the Russian “troll farm” in St. Petersburg has no association to the Russian government and that no Americans were involved in helping these 13 bots troll Hillary.
Jimmy Dore and Ron Placone mock how CNBC, and its mainstream media buddies, make it seem like the act of trolling someone on social media is some kind of “sophisticated” act, which for Dore “is a freakin’ joke!”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz stuns CNN host with her stupidity (Video)

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin presses the very corrupt former DNC chari, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) about what the Democrats got in return for shutting down the government, and is stunned over the congresswoman’s answer…“We won potential for momentum.”

Jimmy Dore crushes the stupidity of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who managed to ‘out stupid’ even CNN…

Why Oprah would make a horrible US President (Video)

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Article first appeared on RPT…

The Duran’s Peter Lavelle goes on The Jimmy Dore Show: Connects the dots between Ukraine, Manafort and Russiagate (Video)

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CNN refuses to reveal names of “multiple sources” who spread Wikileaks-Trump fake news story (Video)

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Jimmy Dore says “Russia collusion” fake news is complete xenophobia (Video)

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