Jim Thompson

How Many Pesos Are In $1.6 Billion In American Taxpayer Funds? Ask Don The Con

Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 3219, the Department of Defense appropriations bill for the fiscal year ending in September, 2018. The final vote was 235-192, 5 libertarian-leaning Republicans refusing to go along with it and 5 of the most right-wing Democrats-- all Blue Dogs-- voting with the GOP and giving Ryan and McCarthy the opportunity to claim the bill is "bipartisan."But don't you dare criticize the 5 bribe-laden Blue Dogs unless you don't mind be accused of being a purity freak.

Why Backing The Status Quo Is A Losing Proposition For Everyone Except The Very Rich

Thursday morning's tweet from Ro Khanna (D-CA)-- above-- is a good example of how someone can promote genuine economic populism. The program he, Bernie and virtually all progressives back to make state colleges free again is incredibly popular-- far more popular than Schumer's and Pelosi's recycled Papa John's Pizza slogan.

Until Democrats Can Start Winning Seats In Kansas Again, They'll Never Be A National Party Again

Trump won Kansas' 4th district-- around Wichita-- by a big margin: 60.2% to 33.0%. But KS-04 isn't really Trump country. In the caucuses, Cruz came in first 7,963 (58.3%) to Señor Trumpanzee's 3,012 (22.0%). That same day Bernie swept every district in Kansas. He won the 4th with 69.8%-- 6,588 votes to Hillary's 2,846-- but with more than twice as many votes as Trump got! Think about that for a moment.

We're Fine With A Good Litmus Test... But Not With Identity Politics

Blue America is now backing 3 exceptional military vets for Congress-- Doug Applegate (D-CA), Randy Bryce (D-WI) and Jim Thompson (D-KS). I have to admit, though, that we didn't decide to endorse any of them because of their service. We endorsed each one because of their progressive policy positions and because they convinced us that they are sincere about those positions.