Jim Kenney

With The Help Of Jim Kenney, Jersey's Boss Norcross Crosses The Delaware Into Philly

In effect, Jim Kenney was elected mayor of Philadelphia one year ago-- May 19, 2015. That was the day of the 6-way Democratic primary, when Kenney won with 55.8%. His closest rival, Anthony Williams got 26.1%. When November rolled around he beat Republican Melissa Lynn Bailey 85.4- 13.2%. DWT's infatuation with Kenney as a progressive champion was ill-advised and as short-lived as our infatuation with Bill de Blasio was.

Did An Anti-Union Billionaire Hijack The Inquirer's Endorsement Process On Behalf Of Anthony Williams?

Technically, the election for mayor of Philadelphia isn't until November 3. In a more practical sense, the city's Democratic voters will select the next mayor on May 19-- 2 weeks from tomorrow-- in the 6-way primary. You may be aware that Blue America has already endorsed the progressive in the race, Jim Kenney.

Philadelphia Mayor's Race-- Meet Jim Kenney

Yesterday, having forced Wall Street faux Democrat Rahm Emanuel into a runoff, progressives came up short-- although doing far better than pundits had predicted. Chuy Garcia raised $5.2 million, a substantial amount... but Rahm had over $30 million to spend, most of it from just a few super-wealthy families benefiting financially from his administration.