Jim Costa

I Feel Badly Writing A Post Like This... I Really Do. And I Really Want To See Devin Nunes' Career End

The thermometer on the right puts the strongest and most effective voices of congressional Resistance to Trumpism all on one page. The men and women on the page that opens if you tape the thermometer are the ones who have put a lot of effort into calling out Trump on his outrageous excesses. But look at the names on that page. None of them are just sitting around all day taking pot shots at Trump, the way, for example, Adam Schiff-- who wants to run for Feinstein's US Senate seat-- does.

What Has The DCCC Learned From A Decade Of Abject Failure? Absolutely Nothing

This week I've been getting to know/vetting a Democratic congressional candidate running against a GOP arch-villain. I really, really, really wanted to candidate to be good-- or at least as good as Jon Ossoff. Not everyone is going to be as stellar as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie or Grayson or Ted Lieu. It's an unfair standard.

Jeff Denham (R-CA)-- Disingenuous And Misleading

Jeff Denham wants to cut Medicare-- but he doesn't want the voters to know thatA friend of mine, Michael Stewart Foley, had an interesting way to start the introduction to his newest book, The Rise Of Front Porch Politics In America. It sounds like he's talking about a bumper sticker, but what he's really talking about is how politicians do everything than can to hide the simple facts from the voters.

Tales From California's Central Valley-- A Bipartisan Means Of Holding TPP Backers Accountable

Ever been to Turlock, Jeff Denham's hometownTuesday the Blue America accountability truck rolled into Modesto, the big city in Jeff Denham's Central Valley district (CA-10). Denham is one of the most vulnerable congressional Republicans, not just in California, but anywhere in the country-- and Modesto is the biggest city in the district. Obama won Modesto both times he ran. In fact, Obama won CA-10 both times, holding McCain to 48% in 2008 and Romney to 47% four years later.

Blue America Billboard Trucks Spending July In Jeff Denham's And Jim Costa's Central Valley Districts

Route 99, the Golden State Highway, splits off from the 5 Freeway just south of Bakersfield in southern California and stretches north to include a straight path through the Central Valley-- including all of CA-16 and all of CA-10, way into the north where it merges with the 5 again at Red Bluff.

Blue America Trucks To Roll Across California

Blue Dog Jim Costa voted with the GOP to pay for TPP with cuts to MedicareBig Business/Wall Street-oriented conservatives in California from both parties voted to fast-track the job-killing TPP last week. All of California's Republicans and most of the state's Blue Dogs and New Dems voted badly on the package of bills. So did a couple of normal Democrats-- Sam Farr, Anna Eshoo and Karen Bass. Most California congressmembers voted against the trade deal.