
“Bosnia: Cradle of Modern Jihadism”, Video BBC News, 2015 (9,39 min.)

20 years ago in the civil war in Bosnia, hundreds of Arab jihadists came to join Bosnian Muslims fighting against their neighbours the Serbs and Croats. Grouped into secret fighting units in Central Bosnia, this was the first time in centuries Jihad had been fought against a Western, Christian enemy. Two decades later Bosnia is still reaping the consequences. In the past month ISIS declared the Balkans the next front of Jihad - and in remote mountain villages extremists are flying the ISIS flag.

Flaws and merits in US Mideast policy are being corrected under Trump

Every so often, I take up the keyboard to weigh in on the doings of the people running the ancient and great nation of Iran. There is no cynicism in this statement: Iran is a highly technologically advanced, well-educated and fairly prosperous nation. However, Western news consumers would never know this because of the way the Iranian government and religious authorities act in trying to get what they want.

Child-Abuse Charges Dropped Against New Mexico Jihadists When District Attorney Misses Court Deadline

Child-abuse charges against three of the suspects were dropped because the district attorney missed the deadline to hold preliminary hearings. This case is shrouded in similar strange twists, including the destruction of evidence at the crime scene, making it appear that the fix is in. [...]