JFK Assassination

Johnny Cairns Ivor Davis Brooke Halpin

Johnny Cairns Ivor Davis Brooke Halpin I’m Looking Through You 4-24-2022 Cairns – Davis – Halpin Johnny Cairns Ivor Davis Brooke Halpin I’m Looking Through You 4-24-2022 Cairns – Davis – Halpin Bob Wilson spoke with JFK researcher Johnny Cairns on I’m Looking Through You. JFK: Case Not Closed, is essential reading [...]
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Crypto Manipulation JFK Assassination

Crypto Manipulation JFK Assassination The Ochelli Effect 4-21-2022 Mike Swanson and Callers Crypto Manipulation JFK Assassination The Ochelli Effect 4-21-2022 Mike Swanson and Callers Mike Swanson didn’t go away last week. Chuck and Mike talked about the latest NFT stuff they discovered. Elon Musk is starting to look like a virtual cult [...]
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Author William Matson Law

Author William Matson Law The Donald Jeffries Show 4-20-2022 William Matson Law Author William Matson Law The Donald Jeffries Show 4-20-2022 William Matson Law Author and researcher William Matson Law’s keen interest in the JFK assassination began after he read David Lifton’s Best Evidence. Law focused primarily on the woeful autopsy of [...]
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Osanic JFK Rukus Coins

Osanic JFK Rukus Coins The Ochelli Effect 3-15-2022 Len Osanic and Rukus Osanic JFK Rukus Coin The Ochelli Effect 3-15-2022 Len Osanic and Rukus For more than 20 years Len Osanic has been curating the best podcast collection in any one place on The JFK Assassination. Black Op Radio is that project, [...]
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Dave O’Brien Case Not Closed

Dave O’Brien Case Not Closed I’m Looking Through You 3-13-2022 Dave O’Brien – Don Jeffries – Chuck Ochelli I’m Looking Through You 3-13-2022 Dave O’Brien – Don Jeffries – Chuck Ochelli Dave O’Brien Case Not Closed Bob Wilson welcomed Dave O’Brien onto I’m Looking Through You. Dave began his research on JFK [...]
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Why They Hated Kennedy, and Why They Killed Him

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | February 22, 2022 While the decision to eliminate President Kennedy undoubtedly took place after his resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was without a doubt solidified when Kennedy ambushed his enemies within the U.S. national-security establishment with his Peace Speech at American University on June 10, 1963. […]

Clay Shaw, Liar and Perjurer

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | January 3, 2022 In 1969, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison brought a criminal prosecution against a man named Clay Shaw. In the trial, Garrison rejected the lone-nut theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. He alleged instead that Kennedy was assassinated in a highly sophisticated regime-change operation […]

Max Boot’s Rant Against Oliver Stone

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 22, 2021 Max Boot, a conservative who has long favored regime-change operations on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, is going after Hollywood producer and director Oliver Stone. His beef with Stone? He’s upset because Stone has long maintained that the U.S. national-security establishment employed one […]

The Fear of Those Still-Secret CIA Records on the JFK Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 20, 2021 One of the amusing aspects of the ongoing controversy over those still-secret CIA records relating to the Kennedy assassination has been the reaction of lone-nut theorists. Hardly any of them, if any at all, are publicly calling on President Biden to disclose those records now […]