JFK Assassination

Porkins Policy Radio episode 35 Executive Action

Welcome back, everyone, to Porkins Policy Radio! This long-awaited return of PPR marks our 35th episode!

 For this milestone in Porkins Policy history we were joined by our very good friend Tom Secker to discuss the 1973 JFK conspiracy thriller Executive Action. Starring Burt Lanchaster and Robert Ryan, this film follows the exploits of a right-wing cabal of businessmen, politicians and ex-intelligence operatives as they plot and carry out the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

The United States has had three coups if you count the first one as being Jekyll Island in November of 1910. Those first coup plotters met at Jekyll Island and secretly wrote the law that became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. All of the bankers who met in secret were Rothschild agents. This included Paul Warburg of the Rothschild dominated Kuhn Loeb bank. Nelson Aldrich who was a Senator married into the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers were created by the Rothschilds as were J P Morgan, the Harrimans and the Bush family.

REICH WATCH; JFK Assassination 50th, The Fascist Coup & Oswald’s Nazi Friends, PROMO

November 19, 2013 (AE)
“The truth will be revealed… November 22nd, 12:30PM, Dallas time.”
(10:30AM PST, 12:30PM CST, 1:30PM EST)
Episode# 1 goes live here, 50 years later, to the minute… also to be broadcast on Liberty Movement Radio (LMR):
Thank you for your interest.
Joel [Redacted]

The EyeOpener Report- JFK + 50: Why It Still Matters

50 years ago this month, the President of the United States had his head blown off in broad daylight. As is to be expected, there are those who will passionately argue that this event is of little historical significance. What is somewhat surprising is that those who argue thusly include some of the most respected academics and researchers of our era, yet the picture that emerges from the historical record is one fundamentally opposed to that painted by the critics who argue that his death was of no significance.
Watch the Preview Clip Here: