jews and gentiles

Bilderberg 2016 Annotated Members List

I can sense Bilderberg goals by who is being invited and by who is not being invited back. Fortunately, the crazy warmongers like Richard Perle  were not invited back this time. I also noticed a shift in the Turkish delegation. I think Bilderberg has a new initiative on that front. Maybe to do with refugees and the prospect for war and peace in Syria and Iraq. We will have to read headlines about Turkey after the Bilderberg participants reach a consensus and issue orders through the press and the governments involved.

A Memorial Day Love Story. A Gift To America From Israel.

I am posting this Love Story as a reminder of the burden all Americans share because their politicians compete with one another to do the will of Israel. As Barney Frank’s sister Ann Lewis said, ‘it is the role of the President of the United States to support the decisions made by the people of Israel.’


















Vidrebel is moving upward and onward

Resistance takes many forms. I guess I have been a card carrying member of the resistance since I was 9 years-old. I had read about the great crime of debt based currencies which transfers all wealth from the Gentiles to the Jews. I knew many Americans starved to death during the Great Depression but I could not then prove  it was 3 million who died rather than rebel. And I also denied the Holohoax. I successfully disproved my school’s Holohoax indoctrination program in front of the class.

Is $500 Billion In Political Bribes A Problem?

Asia Times magazine told us that the big international banks launder $500 billion a year in political bribes.
Do you think this causes problems for those of us who are trying to make a few reasonable requests to various and assorted politicians? Does this perhaps explain why politicians just don’t seem to listen to anyone who does not own a bank or some computer firm that spies on us 24 hours a day 7 days a week?
Do I seem a little bit angry to you?
Good.  I have heard it said that anger can be successfully used to change things around us that just seem to be wrong.

The American Empire Of Debt To Collapse Before The 2016 Elections?

Consider these 3 quotes from Canadian billionaire Rob Kirby who buys and sells gold by the ton.
America is not run by Americans anymore.
Historically, when banks have nothing else they can do, they take us to war.
American dollars held overseas will be repatriated which will trigger Stagflation and then Hyperinflation.

Judaism Incorporated. Betraying Gentiles, It’s What They Do.

Herbert Hoover was an American Rothschild  agent and business partner. During World War I, Hoover started a charity which took donations from the Allied nations while claiming to feed and clothe the widows and orphans of Belgium. What the Rothschilds and Hoover actually did was to load food onto trains in Belgium which they sent across No Man’s Land to to feed German soldiers. The Germans weren’t able to adequately feed their soldiers. The Rothschilds fed the men who were killing Allied soldiers so the war would last well beyond 1915 or 1916.