jews and gentiles

Donate To My Campaign. I Promise A Hundredfold Return.

Welcome, you will find a detailed donor’s prospectus in front of you as you take your seat at the table. In the next few minutes I will give you the highlights of my plans to reward my investor-donors. By way of comparison, imagine a Banker who invests in an IPO whose stock splits 6 times and runs his stake from $1 million to $64 million in just 4 years. But if he had invested a million dollars early on in my campaign, I could guarantee him a $100 million return. Of course that IPO stock is a scam and will have to be unloaded onto the suckers before the bubble bursts.

Vidrebel On 911. Next Year Let’s Arrest the Perpetrators.

I am of the opinion that things are coming to a head and not just here in the US. I should repeat that I am more interested in the Trump movement than I am in him. If the world blows up, we can either rebuild or go die with those we knew and loved.
The following are some of the articles I wrote on 911.
911: Short And Powerful Questions
Barbara Honegger And The Pentagon Attack Papers in 2 Minutes

End This Depression By Ending Banker Occupation

The Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich studied 40,000 international corporations. They found 1,319 to be significant. And of these there were 147 that ran the world economy. That study also revealed that these 147 companies had interlocking Boards of Directors so in reality we are talking about one corporate entity running the world economy, the media and all of our governments.
David Rothkopf wrote Superclass. He is a former CEO of Kissinger Associates. He says our world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. They are the driving force for the New World Order.

Mortgages Are Instruments Of Fraud

The word mortgage comes from the old French and quite literally means you have made a pledge that lasts until you are dead. Too bad for us that mortgages are fraudulent.
I do not think our governments will be here in their present form much longer. Things could get worse. The Bankers are trying to turn student loans into pledges unto death. But it is also possible for us to construct a better world after the Dollar Dies. In that case, one of the things we will have to do is to drastically change the way mortgages are created.

America, The Narco Terrorist State, 1963-2017?

‘Donald Trump could not go after Hillary’s criminality without the permission of the US Military and Intelligence services. Catherine Austin Fitts
‘The NSA has all of Hillary’s emails. It might be the source of the leak.’  Whistleblower William Binney. Binney was the original architect of the NSA’s surveillance program.
“Hillary has to go to jail.”  Donald Trump.
Lock her up! Lock her up! A chant from protesters outside the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Conversations With Young Assimilated Jewish People: October 2011.

The true test of assimilation for Jewish people is marriage. Half of all American and English Jews marry outside their race. Jewish women have to compete with Gentile women who are a lot prettier. When I tell Jewish men that my grandmother was a Swedish show girl, I can detect interest.
In the course of one year when I was living in Silicon Valley I met two married Jewish women who told me they intentionally got pregnant by Gentiles so they could have better looking daughters.

In Memoriam: Holy Holohoax! My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me

Elie Wiesel has died. He spent his life promoting the Holohoax. He made a living and won a Nobel Peace Prize as did Barack Obama. Some day we will be allowed to ask the following questions on TV and radio. They appeared first in an article I wrote 4 years ago.
Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.
The Red Cross had unrestricted access each month to every German concentration camp including Auschwitz. They had inside men who reported to them in detail the activities at the camps.

In Memoriam: Mr Wiesel, I Wanted To Ask You A Few Questions.

Elie Wiesel died. Both Mr Wiesel and Barack Obama won Nobel Peace Prizes. Five years ago I wrote down a few questions I would like to have asked Mr Wiesel. They are below:
You have made a living telling the world of your war time experiences. You have said many times that you had a tattoo number A7713 on your left arm. But we have photos of you in short sleeves without any tattoo. And this was long after you testified under penalty of perjury that you still had the tattoo. If you cannot show us that tattoo, why should we believe anything you say?