jews and gentiles

Lessons Learned From the Plandemic

Rob Kirby said that the Overlords knew last year that they would need to print exponentially more money in 2020 so they decided to use Covid as a cover. They had already blown through the $21 trillion they had stolen from US taxpayers. (This is the Missing $21 trillion that had been revealed by Dr Mark Skidmore.) That was gone together with the trillions the CIA had in their Blacks Ops slush fund selling illegal drugs and weapons. They needed tens of trillions more. The US National Debt increased by $1,217,911,509,254.17 in April.

The Bloomie-Hillary Ticket And Other Liberal Jokes

Rumor is that  “Mini Mike” and “Crooked Hillary” might join forces. Bad idea Mike. You might get a clue when your life insurance agent calls you two days before the Democratic convention in Milwaukee and says, “If Hillary is your Veep, my company will have to raise your life premiums 10,000%. Some at the home office want to raise it even more because there is slight chance you might become President. Just not much of a chance you live out the first 90 days.”

The Power Elite: Betraying Citizens Since World War I

In 1915 a business associate of J P Morgan told American businessman that entering WW I would be great for America because it would bankrupt our Allies in England, France and Russia. Jacob Schiff gave Trotsky $20 million in gold so he and 400 Jewish Communists could leave Brooklyn for Russia. They set up a Jewish Communist government which eventually killed more than 60 million Gentiles. Half or 30 million were killed because they were guilty of being Christians. Arthur Balfour wrote to Lord Rothschild promising the Jews Israel as a British colony.

Stealing Money From The Voters: Won’t Last Much Longer.

On September 10, 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld went on CBS Evening News and admitted that the Pentagon (under the Clinton regime) had spent $2.3 trillion but had no idea where the money went. He promised the American taxpayers that the money was well spent but we just didn’t know where it was. And he promised to improve  both the bureaucratic and accounting procedures at the Pentagon  so they taxpayers would know their money was being well looked after.

#OriginalMeToo 1913, 1947

“I just hope I get to be rich enough so that one day I won’t have to suck on any more Jewish dicks.”  Marilyn Monroe shortly before her murder.
“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews”–Edgar J. Steele, some time before his judicial murder.
Matt Lauer was on NBC’s Today show for 20 years. Towards the end of his career he was making $20 million a year. One of the perks of his job was that a button was placed on his desk so the Jewish man could electronically lock his office door and bar the escape of any Gentile woman who refused his advances.

It’s Time To Start Ranting Against Our Abusers

What the Wikileaks Revelations show is Reckless beyond abandon.  Edward Snowden
Has someone you know had their Identity stolen? They can thank the CIA.
Has the life of patients in a local hospital been threatened with ransomware attacks? They can thank the CIA.
Have you noticed that the average age of a first time heroin user in America is 14? You can thank the CIA for lowering the price of opium coming out of Afghanistan.

The Thirty Families Made Plans For A Future Without You.

The Central Banks have been buying corporate stocks. The Federal Reserve has been buying stocks likely through companies like Citadel Capital.   Max Keiser
Never forget that Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer used to be the Governor of the Bank of Israel. He holds dual US-Israeli citizenship and was brought here in 2014 to oversee the demise of the US Dollar.  Vidrebel
Hint: Stanley Fisher used to be a professor of economics. He was a mentor to Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi. That is all you need to know about him.