Jewish Supremacy

No-Go Zone: White Men Can Now Apply Again

Henrik cover the latest in No-Go Zone this November 8, 2023.
This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
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Insane ‘Disinformation Board’ Director, Food Crisis Simulation & Anti-White Narratives - FF Ep166

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and guest host Adam Green cover the latest in episode 166 of Flashback Friday this April 29, 2022.
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The Doctrine of ‘Superior People’: The Bond between Israel & World Zionism

The root problem is not genetic, it is collective political dementia
Introduction: The single greatest feat of Israel and its overseas missions has not been material success, or the military conquest of millions of unarmed Palestinians, it has been ideological – the widespread acceptance in the US of a doctrine that claims ‘Jews are a superior people’.