Jewish racism

The Doctrine of ‘Superior People’: The Bond between Israel & World Zionism

The root problem is not genetic, it is collective political dementia
Introduction: The single greatest feat of Israel and its overseas missions has not been material success, or the military conquest of millions of unarmed Palestinians, it has been ideological – the widespread acceptance in the US of a doctrine that claims ‘Jews are a superior people’.

Talmudic contempt for Palestinians results in collective punishment

The Spiritual Source of Israeli War Crimes and Collective Punishment of the Palestinian People: According to Judaism’s holiest book, the Babylonian Talmud, and many post-Talmudic halachic authorities, no Judaic mercy is to be shown to subject nationsBy Michael"If a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment.” — Quoted from the B