Andrew Anglin - Somalian Refugee Nightmare & Trump’s Fix - Hour 1
Andrew Anglin is the founder of Daily Stormer and has written countless articles on race realism, nationalism, Jewish influence, and social degeneracy.
Andrew Anglin is the founder of Daily Stormer and has written countless articles on race realism, nationalism, Jewish influence, and social degeneracy.
Jeanice Barcelo, M.A., is a birth doula and independent childbirth educator, specializing in the prevention and healing of birth trauma. She is the author of Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine. Through her radio and television shows, Jeanice has worked tirelessly to expose the evils of pornography, pedophile rings, Jewish supremacism, and more.
Daniel Hammarberg is a native Swede who has written many articles on current events and social issues. He has also worked with the anti-pedophile movement Nätverket Stoppa Pedofilerna, publicizing the identities, crimes and physical whereabouts of convicted child molesters – information that Swedish authorities keep hidden. When he is not writing or engaged in activism, Daniel enjoys sea swimming and powerlifting.
Guillaume Durocher is a French political writer and historian. He has lived in many European countries and worked in politics and journalism. He writes for several Alt-Right publications, including The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents, and Radix.
John Lash is a self-educated, free-lance scholar with an interest in mythology, magic, and religion. He is a pioneer of directive mythology, the application of myth to life. John runs and is the author of The Seeker's Handbook, Twins and the Double, The Hero - Manhood and Power, Quest for the Zodiac, and Not in His Image.
Kevin was born in 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska, to son third-generation Norwegian-American parents. He worked with William L. Pierce, Richard Cotten, and Revilo Oliver beginning in the early 1980s, producing hundreds of radio, audio and video programs, thousands of essays, and numerous articles, books, periodicals and anthologies. Kevin is the editor of National Vanguard magazine and has played an active role in both iterations of the National Alliance.
Dr. Kevin MacDonald has a Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences and is an expert on Jewish influence and identity. He is also the editor and chief contributor of The Occidental Observer, an online publication that focuses on White identity, White interests, and the culture of the West.
A video version of this interview is available in the TV section.