Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals- Part III

by Dr. Elias Akleh
Based on the distorted supremacist racist Judaic religious myth of “God’s Chosen People in God’s Promised Land” the elite of the Jewish power elite came together, more than two thousand years ago, and plotted a scheme to establish a Jewish World Order, whose ultimate goal is to establish a Jewish-only Greater Israel in the heart of the Old World extending from the river Euphrates to the Nile with Jerusalem as its capital.

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals – Part 1

Part I
By Dr. Elias Akleh
Since the beginning of human history we have witnessed so many genocidal murderers; kings, presidents, military leaders and political clergy, who called for, advocated and perpetrated genocidal crimes against whole nations. A thorough study of those criminals shows clearly that the worst genocidal murderers throughout history were mostly Jews.