Jesus Christ

Political correctness costs Megyn Kelly her job, but opens doors in Russia?

The Kremlin went on record reporting its interest in offering NBC host Megyn Kelly a job working for the Russian media. Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov mused about this situation, praising Mrs. Kelly for her interviewing skills but suggesting she might be a bit pricey for Russian media.
RT carried the story, saying:

A Blueprint for Resistance: Jesus Christ vs. the Police State

“In that dramatic scene on Calvary’s hill three men were crucified. We must never forget that all three were crucified for the same crime — the crime of extremism. Two were extremists for immorality, and thus fell below their environment. The other, Jesus Christ, was an extremist for love, truth and goodness, and thereby rose above his environment. Perhaps …the nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.

Christmas, the System, and I

You and I constitute the very system that we blame for the world’s problems, which is starkly illustrated at Christmas when we rob our fragile earth on the high streets in the name of Jesus. What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ this year than to unite under the banner of freedom and justice, and peacefully demonstrate for an end to hunger and poverty across the world, writes Mohammed Mesbahi.
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Christianity; Fact or Fiction? Was Jesus Real, or was it the Greatest Conspiracy in History?

Scholars, Archaeologists, Skeptics and Believers alike have been asking this same question since the birth of Christianity. Albert Schweitzer, and New Testament scholar Nicholas Perrin both, argued that since most biblical scholars are Christians, religious bias is inevitable and thus…Read more →

Jewish War Against Christmas

Father Philoumenos (Hasapis) was the Monk of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob’s Well near the city of Samaria, now called Nablus (Neapolis), in the West Bank. The Saint experienced a martyric death November 16,1979 at the hands of extremist Jewish Zionists who massacred him with an ax in the evening, while he was performing Vespers at the Well of Jacob where he lived as a loyal guardian of the Holy Places and centuries old way of life.

Bethlehem story, present reality

by Finian Cunningham

The annual Christmas celebrations around the world conjure up a kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from the sombre to the joyful, from pity to awe.
One thing often missing though from the celebrations is a connection between the original historical event – some 2,000 years ago – and how this story relates to present reality.