Jeremy Corbyn

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn to Step Down After UK Election Catastrophe

After its worst electoral performance in decades, Jeremy Corbyn announced last night that he would be resigning his position as leader of the Labour. “I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign. I will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies the party will take going forward,” he said in his resignation speech, on a night that saw Labour lose 59 seats in the British parliament, dropping their number to 203.

Corbyn’s Defeat has slain the Left’s Last Illusion

This was an election of two illusions.
The first helped persuade much of the British public to vote for the very epitome of an Eton toff, a man who not only has shown utter contempt for most of those who voted for him but has spent a lifetime barely bothering to conceal that contempt. For him, politics is an ego-trip, a game in which others always pay the price and suffer, a job he is entitled to through birth and superior breeding.

Boris Johnson & Jeremy Corbyn hobble towards UK election finish line (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the final day before the UK elections, which AP News has described like “the country’s late-autumn weather: chilly and dull, with blustery outbursts.”
The last YouGov poll before the polls opens confirmed that Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party still has a strong lead, but YouGov was unable to rule out the possibility of a hung parliament.

Get The Tories Out! Vote Labour! Here’s Why:

This is an appeal from the heart to all those with a vote in tomorrow’s general election. I know many people out there are angry about brexit – not only has UK not left the EU yet, there is a chance we may not leave whoever gets into power – Johnson’s deal, despite his claims, is not all it seems. […]
The post Get The Tories Out! Vote Labour! Here’s Why: appeared first on BSNEWS.

Russiagate media smears against Corbyn brought to you by US and UK military-intelligence apparatus

Days before Britain’s historic election, the UK’s military-intelligence apparatus is turning to the corporate media and US government-funded NATO cut-outs…
The post Russiagate media smears against Corbyn brought to you by US and UK military-intelligence apparatus appeared first on The Grayzone.