Jennifer Garrison

How Big A Disaster Will Steve Israel Prove To Be In November?

Yesterday Steve Israel was crowing on Twitter how 4 powerful senior Republican committee chairmen are retiring (Doc Hastings, Mike Rogers, Buck McKeon and, now, Dave Camp). What his tweets conspicuously left out, of course, is that Israel didn't recruit any candidates against them and actually undermined candidates who ran against Rogers and McKeon last cycle.

Ohio Progressive Greg Howard Takes On The Deranged GOP Response To President Obama's Weekly Address on Overtime Pay

This morning, President Obama gave the above weekly address about strengthening overtime pay protections. It isn't complicated and shouldn't be controversial. "What every American wants," he summed up, "is a paycheck that lets them support their families, know a little economic security, and pass down some hope and optimism to their kids." It's less than 3 minutes long-- and even a Republican congressman should be able to understand it. John Boehner tasked one of his dullest backbenchers, Ohio Republican Bill Johnson, to respond to the president.

The Blue Dogs Are Mining The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party For The Worst Candidates They Can Find-- They Just Found 3 Today

Here we go again-- because losing once is never enough for a discredited strategyThe demise of the furthest right faction of Republican wing of the Democrat Party, the anti-Choice, gay-hating, gun-loving, Austerity champions know as the Blue Dogs, has been widely exaggerated.

Steve Israel's Anti-Choice/Anti-Gay Conservative Candidate In Ohio, Jennifer Garrison, Will Now Face A Populist Primary Challenger

Inauthentic in every waySteve Israel made a lot of really bad choices this cycle. His Jump Start program is a compendium of most of the worst, most reactionary corporate shills running as Democrats this year. Not all of them, but almost all of them are not worth voting for even against Republicans. Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil.