jenna orkin

Porkins Policy Radio episode 185 Jenna Orkin on the health effects of the WTC dust and the EPA’s coverup

This week writer and journalist Jenna Orkin joined me to discuss her book Ground Zero Wars: The fight to reveal the lies of the EPA in the wake of 9/11 and clean up Lower Manhattan, and the ongoing health problems caused by the World Trade Center dust. Jenna started off by telling us where she was on 9/11 and how the day unfolded for her. She talked about the fact that her son went to Stuyvesant High School at the time and how this led her to research the health effects of 9/11.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 182 Call in show on Sudan uprising, 9/11 exploitation, Assange and more

This week I opened up the phone lines and did a call in show. We had friend of the show Jon Gold call in to discuss the recent attacks on Ilhan Omar and the continued exploitation of 9/11 trauma. Jon talked about the recent spate of politicians and media figures invoking 9/11 and the “Never Forget” mantra to score political points. Later Kai called in to talk about the political situation in Sudan. We discussed the recent coup which has removed long time leader Omar al- Bashir, and the grassroots protest movement that fomented this change.