Jenna Ellis

Trump Atty Jenna Ellis Pleads Guilty in Georgia Election Case to Get Reduced Charges 

Ellis is the fourth co-defendant and third attorney to plead guilty in the Georgia election case. A tearful Ellis, 38, pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She did not plead guilty to the RICO charge. Not one defendant has pleaded guilty to RICO charges.

Jenna Ellis presents possible Pence strategy, send electors back to states

Jenna Ellis presents possible Pence strategy, send electors back to states ****News Topic 239***** Trump lawyer suggests Pence could defer certifying election, send requests to state legislatures. Jenna Ellis suggests the vice president could seek clarity from legislators in states where election results are being disputed. Trump lawyer suggests Pence could defer certifying election, send […]

“Maybe next time” offered by States hearing Trump Challenge [Video]

The legal team representing the challenge Donald Trump has put forward about the strongly-evident fraud that was targeted and well-organized by the Democrats has been very successful in making its case everywhere they are heard. We first saw this in Pennsylvania, and again in Arizona and more recently still in Michigan. The witness testimonies are […]

Trump legal team will not be intimidated by radical left. Next stop Supreme Court

Trump legal team will not be intimidated by radical left. Next stop Supreme Court The Duran: Episode 809. Pennsylvania judge says plaintiffs have ‘viable claim’ that state mail-in ballot rule was illegal. Lawsuit has argued that the Pennsylvania legislature’s rule change was unconstitutional. Pennsylvania judge says plaintiffs have ‘viable claim’ that state mail-in ballot rule […]