Jeff Merkley

Does Jeff Merkley Have The Magic Key To Break The Partisan Deadlock Over Healthcare Reform?

Blue America first met Jeff Merkley almost a decade ago when he was Speaker of Oregon's state House. There seemed so much promise in his candidacy for the U.S. Senate and we endorsed him-- and have never regretted it for a moment. At the time, we introduced him as someone who had been an outstanding and accomplished statewide leader who not only had good ideas, but translated this ideas into legislation.

Are The Republicans Ready To Just Call It Quits And Let Trumpcare Die A Quick Death?

On Thursday Bernie Sanders was on CNN with Wolf Blitzer for a wide-ranging interview and you can watch it in it's entirety above. I just want to focus on one question-- which you'll notice Bernie bringing up on his own-- the Ryan-Pence-Price repeal of Obamacare to replace it with some shitty non-starter called Trumpcare.

Conservatives Rejoice At The Criminally Low Social Security Cost Of Living Increase But Want Even Bigger Cuts

AKA-- A Bitter WayOne of Chris Wallace's debate topics tonight was "Debt and Entitlements," which is how conservatives frame their arguments for cutting Social Security and Medicare. The moron who ran the VP debate last month also read a card someone gave her that implied that Social Security would "run out of mone," a falsify conservatives never tire of pushing on low-info/low-intelligence media folks like Elaine Quijano.

Wells Fargo's Gutless Leadership-- America Needs More Elizabeth Warrens, Fewer Richard Shelbys and Sean Duffys

This morning, the Senate Banking Committee questioned Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf about his company's on-going fraud scandal. There are 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats on the committee. 15 of them have taken over $2 million each in bribes from the banksters since beginning their careers in federal government. With the possible exception of Sherrod Brown, none of these people, regardless of party, should be the investigators or questioners.

Clinton Evolves... Bernie-- And America's Working Families-- Win On Free College. Next Up: TPP

Bernie helps make Hillary more electableWho's old enough to remember when all the crusader-rabbit liberals backing Hillary-- like this asshole-- were screaming month after month that free tuition college for in-state public institutions was impossible and insane and irresponsible to even discuss-- and

The New Dems Have A List Of The Next Batch Of Congressional Sell-Outs And Corporate Shills-- Their 2016 Endorsements

Yesterday at this time, we looked at some of the so-called "Democrats" in Congress who are willing to sell out Social Security and Medicare and other programs that make up the safety net. Who are these people and why aren't they Republicans? Well, most of them are from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the Wall Street-owned New Dems or the shriveled Blue Dog caucus.