Jeff Halper

“Are We the Baddies?”

The desperate smear campaign to defend Israel’s crimes highlights the toxic brew of lies that’s been underpinning the liberal democratic order for decades. In a popular British comedy sketch set during the Second World War, a Nazi officer near the front lines turns to a fellow officer and, in a moment of sudden – and […]
The post “Are We the Baddies?” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

On Reading Morani Kornberg-W​eiss’ “Dear Darwish”

Vacy Vlazna
Dear Morani


“We who are born here on this divine land, we who are dedicated to the message of peace and freedom and the defense of human values, and of the strength of the olive tree…we declare our presence as a wound crying in the depths of time and space in spite of the tempests which try to rend our roots from the very earth to which we gave our name.” Mahmoud Darwish at the 50th anniversary of the Nakba*

Alice Walker Tells the Truth, the ADL Avoids It

Walker Tells the Truth, the ADL Avoids It
Author, poet and activist Alice Walker Photo: Wikimedia Commons
William A. Cook
“… the ADL blasted Walker for describing Israel’s actions toward the Palestinians as “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “crimes against humanity,” and “cruelty and diabolical torture”(Haaretz June 18, 2013).