Jay Stamper

Protecting Social Security Does Not Mean Defending The Status Quo-- Guest Post From Shenna Bellows (D-ME)

That brand new video above is a bit of a biography of the candidate Blue America endorsed for the Maine Senate seat, Shenna Bellows. She's running against Susan Collins, a DC-oriented career-politician who is often mischaracterized by the media as a "moderate." And while she may be moderate compared to crackpots like Ted Cruz of Texas and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions of Alabama, she's pretty far right for a Maine politician. And she consistently votes with Cruz and Sessions over 90% of the time.

Lindsey Graham-- Southern Belle In Distress Over Syria Hysteria

I wonder if the polling was done before or after the above Daily Show, but in either case, Lindsey Graham's reelection prospects look difficult... at best. Over a third of South Carolina Republicans have a negative opinion of their senior senator. So a third... the crackpot nihilists and tea baggers. That leaves two-thirds who could vote for him, right?

It Must Suck To Be Lindsey Graham

Those blue counties all went for Obama last yearLindsey's dream job probably would have been Secretary of State for President John McCain. But, no, that was never to be. And now he has to spend his time upcountry, groveling to a bunch of racist teabaggers and morons in Greenville and in remote redneck bastions of Hate Talk Radio conventional wisdom like backward Oconee, Pickens and Cherokee counties.

With A Bevy Of Teabaggers Attacking Lindsey Graham, Could Jay Stamper Win South Carolina For The Democrats?

When Alan Grayson ran for Congress in 2008, several "donors" (although I never found them in our donor file) chastised us that we were wasting money because Grayson had no chance to win the primary. He did win-- and by a lot, beating his closest competitor, ConservaDem Charlie Stuart, 49-28%. That didn't slow the complainers down. They then claimed it was a red district and that Grayson had "no chance" to beat incumbent Ric Keller, but in November, Grayson knocked him off 52-48%, becoming the first Democrat to represent downtown Orlando in living memory. And now...

Q & A With Jay Stamper... The South Carolina Democrat Challenging Lindsey Graham

You always know when someone is a DCCC candidate if you get into a Q&A with them. The DCCC candidates don't A the Qs-- not if they're substantive, let alone controversial. Jay Stamper isn't running for a House seat, so he'd never have any chance to be brain-washed by the DCCC anyway. Instead, he's running for the U.S. Senate seat that Lindsey Graham is holding in South Carolina. Jay is an outspoken, very independent-minded guy.